Step into a new dimension at PORTAL 6311
At PORTAL 6311, we have devoted ourselves to the power of perception, ambitious about unleashing creativity and breaking down the walls that surround everyday life. Whether you have immersed yourself in another reality before or not, you have the option to do so now. You can choose to lunge forward into all of the wonder that entails, enjoying the moments as they come and learning to love everything that is strange and unusual about reality even slightly askew from the day-to-day.
“6311” refers to the number assigned to the plot of land where we built our venue. Although we have carried this over into the current venue, nothing else has remained the same. We are instilling every inch of this place with our ideas and yours. For the dreamers, for the visionaries, for the explorers, PORTAL 6311 is the go-to spot for your next adventure.